A light-weight user's step-by-step guide for your website using Vanilla JS.

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  • Highlight element - can highlight specific element on the page without modifying the element position and style.
  • User's walkthrough - can be used to guide user's to your website using modals and popovers.
  • Slideshow - can be use as slideshow within your website.
  • Dynamic element targetting - can target dynamically created element during tour.
  • Auto scroll - automatically scroll to popover's position.
  • Keyboard control - allows control using next, back and esc keys.
  • Update position on resize.

How does WebTour highlight works?

WebTour highlight works by adding overlay to the page except for the highlighted element. It is basically an overlay with a hole showing the element that is highlighted. WebTour can highlight even on modals.


Include the files from /dist directory.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/dist/webtour.min.css">
<script src="/dist/webtour.min.js"></script>

Or include by using UNPKG.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/webtour@1.1.0/dist/webtour.min.css">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/webtour@1.1.0/dist/webtour.min.js"></script>

Basic usage

Highlight an element

Highlight an element without popover. Can be used to focus user's attention to an element.

const wt = new WebTour();

User's walkthrough

Guide user's to your website by using step-by-step guide.

const wt = new WebTour();
const steps = [
        element: '#step_1',            
        title: 'Popover title',         
        content: 'Popover content',    
        placement: 'right-start',      
        element: '#step_2',            
        title: 'Popover title',         
        content: 'Popover content',     
        placement: 'right-start',       
        element: '#step_3',            
        title: 'Popover title',         
        content: 'Popover content',     
        placement: 'right-start',       



Similar to Popover JS placement. (top, top-start, top-end, right, right-start, right-end, left, left-start, left-end, bottom, bottom-start, bottom-end, auto)